Ritika Ghosh, AV Radio Editor
AV Radio Editor Ritika Ghosh has grown to love journalism and in her second year of the program (and last year of highschool), she hopes to make a lasting change. While she may have grown her skill set through journalism, she is yet to grow in height and is still 4’11. What Ritika lacks in height she makes up for in enthusiasm as she can often be seen conversing and laughing with her peers.
Ritika loves profound films, ones that make you really think and while she may like to have fun, she also loves diving deep and finding hidden meanings. She is passionate about fashion, food and photography and is always capturing the moment on her camera. Ritika loves all things nature related especially camping. When she’s not out and about with her friends, shes listening to music - as any good AV Radio editor should. She is excited for her last year at Amador and in the meantime, she’ll work on improving her skills (spelling for sure) and make it her duty to inform and entertain the students of Amador.