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Netflix Show Review: Dead Boy Detective, a supernatural mystery series with thrilling twists

Ashlynn Suh
“Dead Boy Detectives” released on April 25, 2024 serves a spinoff of the original “The Sandman” comic book series.

Dead Boy Detectives is a supernatural mystery drama that debuted on April 25, 2024. Ranked seventh in popularity today, the TV show has averaged 92% on the Tomatometer and 84% in Audience Score. 

Neil Gaiman’s original comic book series The Sandman: Seasons of Mists inspired the Dead Boy Detectives television series. The original characters Charles Rowland and Edwin Paine are connected between the comics and tv show as their journey and purpose remain similar. Fans from The Sandman comics are granted yet another series to enjoy with their beloved characters and their adventures. 

About the Story

Two teenage boys Charles Rowland and Edwin Paine mysteriously find themselves dead and now ghosts. Though Edwin died much longer than Charles, they become the ultimate dynamic duo as they use their abilities to help the dead who remain trapped on Earth. 

Cases of the trapped dead range from those with personal grievances to vengeful souls. Relieving these spirits allows them to be free from whatever keeps them grounded in the living world. However, relief either sorts them into heaven or they are taken down to hell by its messenger, death.

In order to fulfill their jobs, Edwin and Charles choose to stay on Earth, not going to their prescribed afterlife. This causes them to constantly run and hide from Death and those who desire to place them into the right afterlife path. With the help of their psychic-powered friend Crystal and living friend Niko, their team proves to be highly successful in solving their cases. However, many circumstances, and personal and external conflicts are a constant hindrance to each case. 

Why Watch?

Despite dealing with evil spirits, demons, and other spiritual entities, Dead Boy Detectives include themes of forgiveness, friendship, and the afterlife. The series explores the complicated system of life after death with a prolonged theme of closure in the afterlife. The cases they solve explore complex human problems, adding an interesting depth to the narrative. 

Viewers who enjoy the genre of dark comedy, suspense, and paranormal fantasy, Dead Boy Detectives is an all around entertaining, cinematic, and binge-worthy series streaming on Netflix today.

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