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The student news site of Amador Valley High School


The student news site of Amador Valley High School


Amador Valley Marching Band announces 2024 fall field show titled “Colorfull”

From performing at football games to state-level competitions, marching band will present their production to a variety of audiences.

As the 2023-2024 school year wraps up, many teams and groups all over the Amador Valley campus have already started to lay the foundation for next year. The AV Marching Band has begin this journey by announcing the theme of their upcoming show, “Colorfull”. 

Representing themselves with a vibrant display of colors, AV Marching Band Director Jonathan Grantham took inspiration from the hard working band members. The band will be traveling to multiple competitions and two currently planned overnight rides.

“Our Fall 2024 marching production, ‘COLORFULL’, is dedicated to a variety of music choices that can be represented by a distinct color. The music varies from Billie Eilish to songs from Jojo’s Bizzare Adventures, which represents our Amador culture very well,” said Grantham.  

Many band members are excited to head into next season as the performing songs were all chosen by the students. Varying from hit songs to personal favorites, the show is dedicated to the students by giving them an opportunity to perform something they can relate to. 

“I’m really excited to perform and help lead this show. I think both the audience and the band will have a lot of fun with this one, especially with the music choice. The songs that we’ve picked will be recognized by a lot of our students, hopefully making it a great way to cheer the audience,” said Senior Drum Major Vardaan Singhania (‘25)

Like past years, the band gave a great show reveal for next year’s theme. After hours of editing and recording, the video was shown to the current members for the marching band. From promoting their source music and theme, the video created high expectations for next year.

“Making the show reveal is actually really difficult because I start with a totally clean slate. For the past 3 show reveals I’d say it’s an average of 1 month of thinking, 2 days of filming, and probably 20 hours of animating, editing, and designing the bits and pieces that bring it all together. It’s a super fun process that I’m definitely looking forward to continuing,” said Cal Poly Student Kai Gottschalk.

The excitement is buzzing for the fall season to get underway. This show is a symbol of all the hard work that students have put in and all of the work there is to come. 

“This show is really a gift back to the students. The band students at Amador have a ton of personality and a ton of commitment. They’re joyful and just good people. They were the inspiration for the show concept,” said Grantham

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