How to have fun over Spring Break while in quarantine

Leila Touati, Page Editor

Spring break is just around the corner, and although students are no longer in the classroom due to the school dismissal, Amador students are still counting down the days until they won’t have to do homework for a week. Although it can become quite easy to get bored and lonely during the long days at home, here are some ideas of how to have fun over spring break while still in quarantine.

With this break, students have a chance to relax and spend time with family in the comfort of their home. With this free time, students can find new hobbies such as drawing or trying something new. If students are not the most artistic, coloring books offer relaxation and are a way to pass the time. Try to take time off on your phone and try to learn something new, such as baking a cake from a new recipe or knitting. 

Sometimes it’s nice to just sit back and enjoy your break, even while social distancing. Students can contact their friends through Instagram, Snapchat, or even call them to be closer together. If you want to chat as a group, doing group FaceTime calls or Google Hangouts can make all the difference, especially if you have not seen your friends in a long time.

Playing online games can be an exciting way to spend your break or working on a puzzle can take away a boring day. 

There are countless things to do, even when being stuck at home all day. Even stepping outside for a breath of fresh air once in a while will do anyone some good. Be sure to stay safe during this time while taking care of family.