Little Joys

The pandemic was a turbulent period for everyone. Thus, it comes off as no surprise that people have learned to appreciate the little joys in life, and are thankful to someone or something for helping them through the tough times. Listen to some of our staff talk about what they are thankful for, and join us in self-reflecting and planning for the future.







New Friends & Mental Change

In this episode, Albertine (’22) and Parth (’22) talk about how new friends had brightened their pandemic and how the pandemic has mentally changed their thinking.

Music Credit: “Nice Surprise” on Purple Planet Music, “Ambient Blues Joe- Remastered” by Lobo Loco on the Free Music Archive (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)


Marching Band & Music

Carol (’23) and Kevin (’23) discuss the companionship that Marching Band provides them and music that has led them through tough times!

Music Credit: “Nice Surprise” on Purple Planet Music



Renna (’23) and Anaita (’22) recall their journey of self-reflection, and how the pandemic allowed them to become a better version of themselves.

Music Credit: “Nice Surprise” on Purple Planet Music, “Advertime” on FreePD


Quitting Gymnastics, Back to School, & Grandparents

Imogen (’22), Matt (’22), and Thomas (’23) talk about their respective little joys, and many other things that brought them happiness over the pandemic!

Music Credit: “Nice Surprise” on Purple Planet Music


Hand Lotion & Horror Games

Mandy (’22) and Elyssa (’22) discuss different types of hand lotion and how watching horror games helped kill time in a boring pandemic.

Music Credit: “Nice Surprise” on Purple Planet Music