Starting the season strong: The story of Amador’s Volleyball Team


Provided by AV Volleyball

The Volleyball team gets ready to receive a serve as they fight for the win.

Case Bahl, Staff Writer

The volleyball season has begun, and the Amador Volleyball team is looking forward to another strong year. Last year, Amador placed second in the North Coast Section League, almost placing them into the state finals. However, this season the team is looking to make big improvements in order to progress even further.

“The goals for our team this year are obviously to win, but we also want to improve and have fun as we play,” says Ryan Yu (‘24).

The team is going to be focused more this season on better communication and perfecting skills such as overhead passing and rolling and sliding. It has been tough this season however due to frequent injuries. This is preventing some from joining in on practices and matches.

“Our struggles this season have been dealing with injuries and staying healthy. Our strengths however are we have a lot of great players, and we have been playing with each other for a while so we have really good team chemistry,” says Yu.

Despite these setbacks, the team has been racking up victories, including a big win against cross-town rival Foothill High School. The team is on track to making playoffs and players are finally returning from injuries, increasing their odds of NCS.

“I think our volleyball team is very good but I think one thing [the Varsity Volleyball team] has been struggling with is kinda incorporating new talent into the varsity team. This year they had multiple players come back from injuries so it’s been challenging to reintegrate them back into play, ” says JV Volleyball player Mihir Kamath (‘24).

It isn’t just the varsity team finally finding its footing amidst the season. The JV Volleyball team has also found success through the addition of strong freshmen and veteran players.

“I think the JV team is pretty strong this season there are lots of freshmen who played club volleyball, and I think that in the future they will make good varsity players. Their knowledge of volleyball is very in-depth because of their past experience and I think they have lots of untapped potential that we can build off of,” says Kamath.