AV junior Andrew Choi is the 2020 YEA Competition Winner


Casey Chang, Photo editor

AVHS junior Andrew Choi recently won first place in the Youth Excellence in Arts (YEA) Competition. His place prize was $1,000, for his excellent violin performance. 

“It gives me more satisfaction the more I improve because the music I make is better in a sense” said Andrew Choi (‘21)

During early years Choi was exposed to classical music by his family. His mother plays piano and sister plays cello. He has been playing for 11 years and has entered many other competitions. 

“My drive for violin is just my own personal passion for making music” said Choi (‘21)

Without a doubt music is important to him. According to the SF Asian Youth Talent Competition website, choi has won many awards in competitions including Korea Times Youth Music Competition, CMTANC (Chinese Music Teachers Association in Northern California), and DVC HNU Young Concerto Competition. 

“Andrew enjoys sharing music with others; he attended the Korea Young Dream Orchestra in 2015 to spread music in underprivileged areas of Korea,” said SF Asian Youth Talent Copetition website

He not only enjoys music, but has generously given others the privelage to experience classical music. He also volunteers witht the California Prepatory Academy. 

“Ideally, I’d want to become an orchestral violinist in a symphony one day but the only thing that’s certain for now is trying to bring violin with me to study after high school” said Choi (‘21)

Andrew Choi is a well rounded musician who is passionate about giving back, and truly deserved to win this award.