Santa Rita parking lot is set to open on October 15


Matthew Kim, Staff Writer

After months of construction, frustrated students and chaotic drop off and pick up, the main Santa Rita Lot is finally set to open on October 15th. The parking lot is now complete with solar panels and an overhang providing shade and energy to Amador. Students from all grades are relieved to finally have the main parking lot back. 

“I think that it’s beneficial to the students that the parking lot is opening as it will bring in more parking spaces and lowering the stress by giving kids more time to get to school while providing shade during the hot days,” said Drew Kim (‘21).  

For many students not having access to the main Santa Rita, the parking lot has caused a wide range of problems from having nowhere to park to overcrowding in the back lot and the church. Student frustration has been vocal all throughout the process with many questioning why the construction wasn’t started earlier in the summer.   

“I am frustrated that the construction didn’t start earlier as this was a big project and they still messed up the paperwork forcing the construction to start later. I live close to the school and the construction was very loud and greatly increased the traffic in Santa Rita and many people parked in my neighborhood, some would even block my driveway,” said Kirk Stefanick (‘21). 

Despite the dilemma, the district alleviated parts of the problem through access to shuttles from St. Augustine and Valley along with free access to the Wheel’s bus system. Although access to these resources has been available for the past couple of months, with the Santa Rita lot reopening the last day of shuttles will be October 14th and the Wheel’s bus system will soon require fees.  

With the new solar panels and overhang there comes a price, the Santa Rita lot will not have as many spots as last year and parking spots will be available to the seniors first on a lottery basis and then released to Juniors. 

“I am worried that I might not get a spot as I am a junior and I am concerned that there aren’t as many parking spots. I will have to park behind the church if I can’t get a spot though I hope I get a spot,” said Nate Cohn (‘21).  

Everyone at Amador is happy to finally see the Santa Rita Parking Lot reopen better than ever with a new overhang and solar panels if you plan on driving to school make sure to go and register for the parking lottery to get your own spot in the new lot.