Juniors celebrate Hippie Day during lunch

Emerson Muise, AVT Editor

  • Many Juniors sat on “Hippie Hill” as lunch to listen to music.

  • U.S History Teachers and others enjoying time together.

  • Groups of friends sat together to enjoy their lunch in the sun.

  • Juniors dance on Hippie Hill as 60’s music plays.

  • Sydney Queen (’24) and Sahithya Subramanim (’24) smiling for the camera.

  • Ryan Larson (’24), Camden Nauroth (’24), and Diana Schwarz (’24) throwing up the peace sign.

  • Zaynah Shah (’24), Maddie Kostalnick (’24), Soleil Sevier (’24), and Camden Nauroth (’24) posing with their U.S History, Mr. Dalldorf.

  • U.S History Teacher, Thomas Dalldorf, dancing to classic 60’s rock.

  • It was a beautiful day for Juniors to enjoy lunch with their friends on Hippie Hill.
