Student work permits: what is it, and how to get it
May 19, 2022
Students at Amador start looking into applying for summer jobs, and according to the state government of California, students are required to get a permit to seek employment under the age of 18.
“I originally got a job during summer so then I was able to buy things I wanted. So my parents didn’t have to buy things for me anymore and I was able to buy things with my own money,” said Olivia Fragomeli (‘23).
To make good use of summertime, students tried to apply for a job to get the experience of working as an adult. This is also a way to show maturity and demonstrate the qualifications of a student.
“After you get the job, you have to get a permit to actually work there. For that, you have to fill out a form for the school district and you bring the permit to the district office. It’s pretty quick, mine came within a day or so,” said Joe Dai (‘23).
The work permit can be found on the PUSD district website and can be turned in to the PUSD office. However, what exactly is a work permit?
“A work permit is specifically information about the kids and the employee’s information. I process the work permit and tell how many hours they can work. Then you turn this permit back to the employer so that they have it on file. If the policies are not followed, the employer can get fired,” said Babara Bennett, PUSD Adult & Career Education.
The work permit should be filled out by the student, parents, and employers. Information including the school the student attends, the name of the business, and the signature of the guardians are mandatory.
“Students working during the school year must have a work permit. The number of hours a student may work during the regular school year are listed on the application and on the issued work permit. Hours that can be worked are based on the student’s age,” According to the PUSD district website.
Hours of work permit for each age group are also included on the second page of the work permit for reference. A permit that was issued during the school year will also be valid during the summer as well.
“When they turn in the form to me, I check the date of birth, grades, because they can’t be under 2.0, and I check attendance. Sometimes it makes them want to do better in school in order to have a job,” said Bennett.
This is purposely done to make sure students work safely at all times following the California federal regulations. It’s also to avoid students neglecting school due to their job.
“Students need a work permit because they can’t work for certain companies that make chemicals or make weapons. And the permit will also make sure that a student won’t get less than what they are supposed to be paid due to their age,” said Bennett.
The district has always been working on improving students’ working qualities to make sure their rights are protected.
“The PUSD district will keep track of student activities when applying for jobs and we will be involved with the employers,” said Bennett.
For more information, visit the PUSD work permit website.