9/11: Have we stopped talking about it?

Rut Bansal and Esha Shah

9/11 is arguably the most devastating terrorist attack in the United States in the last 20 years. With more than 3000 people dead and four planes hijacked, it had a national impact on all Americans and was talked about for more than a decade. But conversations about the details are fading, and many people focus on only part of the idea or nothing at all.

Many people like to use “We will never forget” as an excuse to refuse to talk in detail about it. The real question is, why don’t we?

It may be because the current junior class is the first set of students that wasn’t alive during the attack, leaving them with no tangible or personal connection to the event.

It may also be because being in California, few students feel a direct impact from the attack. However, people should still talk about this devastating event more than they currently do, and keep the memory alive for future generations.

Mrs. Battilega, a history teacher, said, “As we get further away from the attack, it’s important to not only commemorate those whose lives were lost, but I think, help give contact to the world in which we live.”

9/11 marks a shift in direction for our country, and made it impossible for the situation to ever revert back. Although it was at time of fear and confusion, it was also a time of unity and grit. The country banded together to support each other.

People present during this time are emotionally connected to 9/11, unlike the new generations. Many of us lack the ties that older generations have, and therefore makes it hard for us to understand how drastically 9/11 impacted the entire country.

Mr. Devor, a math teacher, said, “It’s to you guys what World War II is to me- it was just some distant history thing.”

For the new generation, there is no direct impact. Without that connection, many teachers don’t feel the need to establish it anymore and think that they would give a biased opinion in doing so.

Mr. Griese, another math teacher, said, “I don’t want to glorify the terrorist choices in any way, and sometimes the best laid plans of mice and men go awry – and what I mean is we deliver it one way and it can seem like we glorified it.”

9/11 was indeed a tragic event that should be remembered as a turning point in our country’s history, however, as the new generations without any connection to it emerge, it is talked about less within the classroom. It should still be talked about in history, because 9/11 signifies mistakes we should learn from today. Even if we don’t acknowledge it each year, we should never forget the events of September 11, 2001.