Clubs and Leadership begin Donversity preparations

Aileen Hu

Both AV Leadership and clubs began planning for Donversity long before the actual event.

Aileen Hu, AVT News Editor

Although Donversity still feels a long way off, Amador’s clubs and leadership class have already begun planning for it. The rally, club fair, and spirit week may remain unchanged, but there are always subtle improvements every year.

“We do a lot of the planning based off of precedent. We look towards rallies from the past and see the pros and cons of the organization. Then we sort of work it from there,” said Sara Vanonni (‘23), ASB President and the Donversity rally coordinator.

The clubs and groups that perform at the rally also start preparing early on. From signing up to participate to creating a show and practicing, all participating clubs had planned ahead to ensure their events go smoothly.

“We have to start preparing right in the middle of our basketball season. It feels early, but it’s because, by the time we end our season, we wouldn’t have enough practice time. Otherwise, we can’t learn a whole new dance and practice new formations and stuff,” said Savana Robles (‘24), captain of the AV Dance Team.

Clubs can participate in Donversity in various ways. Performing in the rally may be more memorable, but nearly all clubs on campus join the Donversity club fairs. Clubs use this as a  chance to promote themselves and interact with Amador’s student body.

“[For] this year’s we’re just going to participate in the Donversity club fair. It’ll allow more people to become more involved with our club. To prepare, we’re just instructing our members who will be helping out at our booth. And we’ll also prepare a sign-up sheet so that people who are interested can sign up to come check out our club meetings,” said Ziyan Liu (‘24), president of the AV Ukulele Club.

As Donversity slowly approaches, preparations speed up. Last-minute accommodations can be made, but most schedules are being set as leadership plans out more details.

“Hopefully we’ll have about eight to ten groups represented at the rally. As for the club fair, I think we’re limiting it because we don’t have as much room as we did during Pigskin. But hopefully, we’ll still get to see about 20 to 30 clubs out on the quad during lunch, getting to advertise all sorts of variety here at Amador,” said Vanonni (‘23).