A walk through what the Wellness Center has to offer

Katy Clark

The Wellness Center has many comfortable couches and places for students to relax.

Katy Clark, AVT Page Editor

With the stress of the end of the year, many students on campus may want a safe place on campus away from schoolwork and social stresses, a place where they can unwind. With the Wellness Center extending its hours to 7:30 to 4:30 everyday, it is readily available to students with its combination of comfortable couches, fun activities, and soothing music. During class periods, students are allowed to stay for fifteen minutes and it is open all throughout lunch and access. 

“I think it’s a good resource center for students and a nice place to just take a break from everything else going on,” said Joe Dai (‘23).

The wellness center is run by Wellness Counselor Cindy Tovar, who sits at the front desk and is in charge of checking people in and out of the room. Tovar keeps a basket of hygiene products right by the entrance full of deodorant, tampons, pads, and other products. Hygiene is important in one’s mental and physical health, and the support staff here at Amador want to make sure students have access to these items.

The room is also stocked full of savory snacks and water, so that even those who only stop by for a second can refuel. From students coming from PE to those who need a quick snack during brunch, this makes sure students remember to take the time to eat.

“I got a granola bar during lunch a few weeks ago,” said Melissa Chen (‘23).

Going past the entrance, students can hear calming music in the background and watch a tv displaying videos of calming scenes from ocean waves to grass blowing in the breeze. Contrasting with the loud noises and overwhelming stimuli of the main campus, this helps to put students at ease and separate them from the school environment. 

The wellness center has an assortment of hot drinks, including tea and hot chocolate. (Katy Clark)

There are many activities in the Wellness Center, all designed to be relaxing and require little thinking. All these activities are designed to be free from technology, and while not required, the Wellness Center encourages students to take a break from their screens, as this can be bringing unwanted stress into this zen environment.

“I am not like the phone police here. I know they are not doing any classwork or doing a test, so to me it’s okay if they are on their phone for a couple of minutes,” said Tovar.

The Zen Garden is a favorite among individuals, an activity where people can rake up sand into pleasing patterns. Right next to this is the drawing and painting area, where students can doodle and express their feelings through art, a release from their structured schoolwork.

There is also a cabinet full of board games and coloring books that many students frequent. Board games can be a good way to hang out with friends, and coloring books offer a way for students to add a little bit of color into their day.

“I really like their zen sandbox! It’s so nice to play with the sand and just de-stress with a nice warm cup of tea to forget all about the academic worries of school,” said Tony Wang (‘23).

Since popits have popped their way into mainstream culture, Tovar has made a cabinet of these tactile toys available for students who need something to fidget with. These toys offer a way for students to concentrate their stress into something they can control and manipulate as well as  shake out their jitters and calm down. 

On the way out, many times students will be able to bring a goodie bag with them full of anxiety reducing toys such as popits, and snacks. During the class periods students are allowed to stay for fifteen minutes and it is open all throughout lunch and access. 

“I have received goody bags from the Wellness Center and they were great. Mine had a squishy yellow star in it that I still have by my desk, and it also came with a protein bar and a fidget toy. It really brightened up my day and I’m so grateful to our incredible counseling department for putting them together,” said Wang.

As for the future of the Wellness Center, Tovar has many plans to renovate and expand the uses of the room. Some of these new additions might even include having student input to help out with the decorating.

“I want to add more color. I envision putting out construction paper and markers on the tables so the students themselves can help me make poster boards for the classroom. I feel like the students themselves like to see their work in the classroom, and it is more welcoming if you see your own friend’s work on the wall, and I feel like they have a lot to say to, so maybe inspirational quotes they like or go by every day,” said Tovar.


  • Baskets offer personal hygiene products such as toothbrushes, shampoos, deodorants, and feminine care products.

  • Posters around the room encourage students to take a deep breath and relax.

  • Students can paint on this easel and express their feelings through art.

  • The cabinets in the wellness center are full of coloring books, boardd games and fidget toys

  • The TV in the wellness room is always set to youtube videos of calming music against a picturesque landscape.

  • Tables are set out in the wellness center for coloring, painting, and hanging out.

  • Pamphlets are availible at the back of the room for mental health and how to get help.

  • Motivational messages are seen on the whiteboard as you walk in, changing every so often.
