What will life be like after the pandemic?

Kennedy Mayo, Senior Staff Writer

The coronavirus pandemic has placed a big amount of pressure on the world and has truly altered the way we live. What does that mean for the future? Well, no one knows. As of May 2, “the 7-day average of daily new cases fell to under 50,000, down 17% from a week prior. Hospitalizations and deaths from the disease are also falling, said Tucker Higgins, CNBC.

Also according to CNBC, there are more than 100 million people in the US that are fully vaccinated againstCcovid-19. I believe that we are on the right track to somewhat normalcy. Cases and deaths are decreasing and more people are getting the vaccine. I believe that if people around the world or at least the US continue at this encouraging rate we will be close to normal. 

Cases and deaths are decreasing, but the number of people getting vaccinated is increasing. Due to these new facts, the CDC has changed its Covid-29 guidelines. The CDC states that if fully vaccinated you may “gather indoors with fully vaccinated people without wearing a mask” and if you chose to “travel in the United States you don’t need to get tested before or after travel or self-quarantine after travel. Even though people are getting the vaccine the CDC still advises that masks still be worn at all times in public, such as the grocery store, etc. 

I will always be wearing my masks wherever I go because I want to make sure that I am protecting myself and those around me. I am fully vaccinated so when I go out with other vaccinated people I don’t wear a mask because the CDC said so and because everyone is fully protected.

As I stated earlier, as the cases and deaths decrease and the number of people vaccinated increases we will be on a path to somewhat normal. This pandemic has changed everything about the world we live in and how unprepared we were. Too many families, jobs, and homes were lost during this pandemic. After all these losses nothing will go back to normal. The world will go back to a different kind of normalcy post-pandemic. Several things will change for the better to make the world safer from deadly pandemics like Covid-19.