Sickness Breaks out at Pleasanton Middle School

Chehel Lakhwara, Page Editor

It is just the start of Cold season and already hundreds of students all over the county have been reported to have mild to severe cases of stomach flu such as gastroenteritis, West Nile disease and neurological virus. 

More than 400 students at Pleasanton Middle School have been absent due to the effects of these new viruses spreading around.

It is a possibility that this virus could have an outbreak in Amador, causing high school students to take more precaution towards this on going transmission. 

There are many ways students can prevent themselves from getting the flu.

“Everyone should wash their hands, it’s the best way to prevent the flu. This way germs don’t spread easily,” said Amelia Flores (‘22)

Other ways are available like getting the seasonal flu vaccination. Getting this shot can lower chances of having this disease by almost forty to sixty percent on average. Students can also strengthen their immune system by sleeping seven to nine hours a day and eating a nutritious diet.

It’s vital to work in clean and sanitary conditions, especially during flu season when germs are everywhere. Disinfecting surfaces and wiping down door knobs, light switches and other areas kill flu germs and decrease the risk of other people getting the flu. However, this can be difficult for teachers to do on a daily basis, especially when no one else cleans their classrooms. Teachers have to take their own time to thoroughly sanitize their rooms. Since they don’t receive an extra budget for cleaning supplies they rely mostly on parent donations and their own pockets. 

“We are really thankful to all the parents for donating materials like tissue boxes and sanitizer to our classrooms, especially during the flu season,” said Delise Anderson, History teacher.

The national center for educational statistics conducted a survey which said that over 94% of teachers spend their own money to buy materials for their classrooms.

The flu is spreading rapidly across the county and affecting a lot of students from different schools. Bring careful and having ways to prevent it can drastically help people stay safe from it.