AP Testing Recap

With AP exams having wrapped up on May 17th, it’s time to look back at the two weeks Amador students spent testing for various college courses.

Overall, most AP students decided to take the tests their classes prepared them for. Most of the time, two tests were administered each day, with one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Students had to report to testing areas approximately forty minutes before their exam.

Among the AP tests offered, the biggest turnouts were for Psychology, Biology, U.S. History, and Government/Economics. Courses with multiple grade levels had more students taking the test. Most students took their exam in the small gym, but some others took them in smaller classrooms.

AP exams required students to bring pencils, pens, and sometimes a calculator.

For the most part, Amador students felt well prepared for the AP tests.

“I was ready for the test. I think the content and rigor of the classes I’ve taken really prepared me,” said Sydney Soares (‘20), an AP Psychology and AP Language student.

“Studying for my finals helped with the actual AP tests. I also reviewed a little bit in the morning before my tests,” said Becky Laurence (‘19), an AP Government/Macroeconomics student.

These two weeks were stressful and challenging for AP students. There were many techniques that students use to help them effectively study and combat stress.

“I was able to prepare myself for the exam by properly pacing myself and the organizing the content into small chunks.” Harshita Ramanan (‘19).

Although AP tests are administered every year without much difficulty, there was a disruption during the AP Macroeconomics test. A false fire alarm went off, forcing the students to evacuate the testing hall.

To be successful on their exams, many students had to study.

“It was annoying. After we came back, I couldn’t calm down. I tried to get back into testing mode but I couldn’t,” said Laurence.

Despite this incident and a few delays in the start times of tests, overall administration of the tests was efficient. Some tests were longer than others, and sometimes they ran longer than the scheduled start of the next test. Test proctors conducted the tests efficiently so they did not run longer than they were supposed to.

Overall, AP testing at Amador went by smoothly. Keep the good work Dons!