Amador flutist Kathryn Go (‘24) to play at Carnegie Hall

Go won performance opportunity in international flute competition

Alyssa Wu

Kathryn Go, with flute in hand, prepares with excitement to play next summer at Carnegie Hall.

Kathryn Go (‘24) is set to play in the Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall on June 10, 2023 after winning the American Protégé International Woodwinds and Brass Competition. Her passion for music and years of flute-playing experience earned her this chance to perform. 

Go started playing flute the summer before sixth grade, and sees playing flute as a way of relaxing. For her competition entry, Go submitted a video audition tape with a professional pianist as her accompanist. 

“Since it was a video recording, it was less nerve-wracking, but I was still nervous because the pianist was a professional. We recorded it a total of three times. The third time I was really tired and I was getting a little more annoyed, but overall I was really excited for the opportunity,” said Go.

Go prepared for the competition by practicing her piece, Sonata for Flute and Piano in C major 3rd Movement by Otar Taktakishvili), with the help of her flute teacher and other professional flutists.

I had a master class with a professional flutist from the University of Pacific. She helped me with some specific spots,” said Go. “My main flute teacher focuses on tone a lot, so we did a lot of tone exercises and different air support exercises. Overall we focused on how your air affects your sound, and that’s my main focus for practicing.” 

Go’s hardworking attitude towards music is observed by fellow musicians and close friends who express their amazement at her dedication

“(Go) is very talented and hardworking. She practices a lot, and she’s very consistent with her practice. I think the end result is very rewarding for her, so even though the process to get there might be frustrating, the result makes it worth it,” said Fiona Zheng (‘24).

Go’s passion for playing the flute keeps her motivated through the challenges in rehearsal. For her, music is more than a hobby or extracurricular– it’s a part of her life.

“Music is a very important aspect of my life. When I listen to professional recordings, it sounds really good, and it inspires me,” said Go. “Both my siblings also play different instruments, and there is always music going on in the house. It’s a really important art form and without music, I would be a lot more stressed because music is such an outlet.”