Mr. Amador Fundraiser at Sidetrack Bar for Children’s Home


Kylie Cancilla

Ryan Lau, Aadit Policepatil, Matt Carter, and Blake Bouchard working in the Sidetrack kitchen.

Kylie Cancilla, Staff Writer

On Thursday, March 24th, the Mr. Amador boys fundraised with Sidetrack bar acting as waiters, with all the tips the boys earned went to the George Marks Children’s home. 

“I thought the fundraiser was a really good idea. I’ve always kinda wanted to be a waiter, it was not only fun but also for a good cause which was great. They mainly made us serve food, bus tables, fold napkins. It was pretty easy work but really fun, and it was great to meet all the people who work there too,” said Suvir Kheny (‘23). 

The boys not only served the customers a delicious dinner but also provided entertainment for tips that would go to the George Marks Children’s house. 

“My favorite thing about the fundraiser was to receive some extra tips and donations from the people eating there, we offered some special performances to them. We did a dance routine to ‘Single Ladies and ‘Low’. It was overall just a fun time. We were able to leave those people eating there with a good night out,” said Ryan Lau (22’).  

The Mr. Amador boys huddle up before they give the Sidetrack customers a dance performance.
(Kylie Cancilla)

The Mr. Amador program teaches the boys a lot of valuable lessons and gives them a lot of new experiences and opportunities. This fundraiser especially gave them a chance in a busy workplace experience. 

“This fundraiser really gave us the opportunity to work in a restaurant setting and be able to help people at a very popular restaurant, it was more fast-paced than any other fundraiser we did,” said Lau (‘22).

Not only was it a great experience for the boys, but also was a great way to teach people and raise awareness about the Mr. Amador program and the George Marks Children’s house.

“There was a lot of interaction with the customers and unlike the dairy, a lot of them were not Amador students or parents. So, it was a lot of people that were just there for dinner and they didn’t know what we were doing. It was fun to give them some entertainment and help them out, as well as provide them with information about Mr. Amador,” said Blake Bouchard (‘22). 

“They had us doing dishes, making drinks; busing tables. It was a fun environment and I’m glad that we could do it,” said Blake Bouchard (’22).
(Kylie Cancilla)

Overall, the fundraiser was a huge success raising both money and awareness for the cause of the Marks Children’s house.

“We were really lucky to have raised around $2000 in tips, which was really awesome and it got really busy. I think the boys being all dressed up pretty fancy helped as well,” said Amelia Flores (‘22).