A guide on how to schedule classes on Q Connection

Kazuya Yasui, Staff Writer

The class sign-up for the 2022-2023 school year has started. Although the class sign-up process may be a little confusing, with a few tips it can become very simple. 

Step one is to log into Q StudentConnection. From there, click on the profile for your next grade. For example, if you are a sophomore you need to go to your junior profile.

Clicking on the correct profile is imperative to correctly signing up for classes. (Kazuya Yasui)

When signing up for classes, it is important to balance ones workload. Although taking many honors and AP classes looks good on a college resume, the classes may require multiple hours of homework. 

Step two: scroll down to the request section on the page and then click on the link that says “Add/Edit Classes”. 

Clicking the Add/Edit Requests link will guide to a search bar to find courses. (Kazuya Yasui)

To achieve school-life balance, it’s imperative to really get to know yourself and just be honest about who you are. Learn what your strengths are; discover what your learning style is; identify areas of growth; and most importantly, be truthful about your likes and dislikes,” said Audrey Zarrinkhat, a counselor at Amador

Another tip when signing up for classes is to keep in mind the graduation requirements. To graduate, students need to take three years of English and Social Science (History/Global Studies), and two years of math and science, with at least one year of physical and life science. However, The University of California and the California State University systems have higher requirements: four years of English, two years of Social Science and science, and three years of math. 

“If you plan out your four years out accordingly, it is easy to achieve the requirements to graduate and get into a college,” said Devon Huynh (‘22)

Step three: the link should bring you to a page where you can choose which classes you want to take. Use the search bar to look for a specific class or filter out results to a certain subject. 

Remember to double-check that the class name corresponds with its course code, ensuring the correct class. (Kazuya Yasui)

For further information on the signup process, sign up for the Access workshop with the counselors, or go to AmadorValleyTV on YouTube for the videos made by video production students that give info on the many classes you can sign up for.