Mayor candidate Monith Ilavarasan seeks for a more progressive Pleasanton

Mayor candidate Monith Ilavarasan seeks for a more progressive Pleasanton

This November, Monith Ilavarasan will be one of the candidates running for Pleasanton mayor. He is competing against three others, including current council members Karla Brown and Jerry Pentin and resident Tom Turpel. 

Ilavarasan has worked in a variety of management positions in large companies and startups in tech. These roles have provided him extensive knowledge in both business and public policy. 

“For the past six years, I’ve. . .[brought] people of different disciplines and viewpoints together. [E]very single one of my [professions] required. . .deep knowledge of public policy across various levels of government,” said Ilavarasan. 

One of Ilavarasan’s main focuses is the affordability of Pleasanton housing. Pleasanton housing prices are a source of concern for many—an average two bedroom’s apartment’s rent is $3,000 a month, a high price for a majority of essential workers. 

“I think it is a tragedy that none of our essential workers will have the ability to live here. . .as our current affordable apartment and housing stock expires. [My goal] is to build housing for all income levels,” said Ilavarasan.

He also hopes to integrate mental health and social work into the police system. 

“[T]here are many cases. . .in which social workers or mental health professionals can provide support. Policing is an incredibly tough job. . .It is not feasible to ask our police to. . .have the perfect response every time,” said Ilavarasan

Reopening schools is on every candidate’s agenda. Ilavarasan’s plan draws ideas from successfully reopened countries and communities.  

“Socially distanced class sizes of 15 or fewer, staggered schedules, extended school year, [and] social, emotional, and practical help for students. . .will allow [our] community to begin to move toward a world where students are able to resume [their education],” said Ilavarasan

This year’s candidates are, without a doubt, a group of highly qualified individuals. Regardless of how the election concludes, Pleasanton residents can be assured that all candidates will pave the way for communal change and strive for a Pleasanton for all. 

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