Movie Review: Netflix Short-Films

Zachary Nicholas, Editor-in-Chief


Netflix is no stranger to making some great films. However, towards the end of last year, the company produced two short films that deserve some serious recognition. Those of course would be ‘If Anything Happens I Love You’ and ‘Canvas’ respectively. Both of these films are exceptionally crafted, so let’s get into some detail. 

‘If Anything Happens I Love You’ 

‘If Anything Happens I Love You’ was released November 20, 2020. (Zachary Nicholas)

Wow this movie hits deep. The story of a married couple dealing with the tragic loss of their daughter is heartbreakingly beautiful. The animation is amazing, the music is touching, and the message is impactful. This film has something to say about the gun violence present in the United States, and it sheds some light on the victims of these frequent and tragic events. Everyone should watch this movie because it is thought-provoking and it is so very important right now. 


‘Canvas’ was released on December 11, 2020. (Zachary Nicholas)


This movie also deals with loss, but this time it tells the story of a widower grieving the death of his wife. An old painter who has lost his inspiration for his art finds new inspiration from his family and learns to cope. It really tugs at the heartstrings and the music is exceptional. A product of Frank E. Abney III, a longtime Animator at Pixar, this movie has incredible animation as well. 


A Common Message

Both these films make you feel more in 10 minutes than most films do in 90. They both touch on the sensitive topic of grief, more specifically how to deal with grief. Whether it is the loss of a daughter or a wife, these films show that grief is a part of life that is not easy. It shows that grief comes in many different forms. However, both films feel optimistic and hopeful. That even in the face of sadness and tragedy, there is some light at the end of the tunnel. Given the year of 2020, you could say these films feel very appropriate.